Photo by Will Harrison

Making disciples of all nations: The history of the Great Commission Congress

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I
have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20)
Since November, 1908, Asbury University has dedicated a week to focus on the
importance of missions in our community and throughout the world. During the Great
Commission Congress, Asbury University hosts missionary speakers and other mission-
centric events on campus. The Great Commission Congress is a week in the fall that
starts with a flag procession to celebrate the countries that we have represented in the
Asbury Community.
“If we are going to ‘Start Here, Impact the World,’ it is important for us to continue to
have at the forefront of our minds that God is actively moving and working around the
world,” said Jeannie Banter, assistant director of Spiritual Life. “We need to become
good learners and listeners of how He is at work in the global church and lean in
together to the work He has called us to alongside our sisters and brothers from around
the world.”
According to Asbury University’s website, “the Great Commission Congress is
committed to motivating through promotion and encouragement of year-round
engagement of a ‘Great Commission Lifestyle’ on our campus, in our community and
around our world; equipping students to define, explore and answer theological,
spiritual, social and cultural implications at the heart of living out the Great Commission;
and mobilizing Christians — both individually and corporately — to help fulfill the Great
Commission mandate in our generation.”
The GCC helps remind Asbury that we have a mission to spread the Gospel to all ethnic
groups. Throughout the week, there are discussions around the global church,
missiology and how to get involved in the mission of the Gospel.
“As Christ-followers we each have a role in His mission — to make His name known to
every tribe, tongue and nation of the world. No one is excluded from the good news!”
said Banter. “GCC Week helps us to pause, listen and focus our attention on His heart
for the world and our role within His mission.”
As Christians we have an obligation to missions, whether that be in our own
communities or abroad. The GCC allows us to lean into that calling and gives us
opportunities to do so effectively.

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