It is almost the semester break — better known as Christmas break. So what does Campus Safety and
Security have to do with that? Besides patrolling campus the whole break (even on Christmas Day), we
would like to help you to have a safe and secure Christmas break. Within this article you will hopefully
find our three gifts of Christmas to be helpful for you on your journey, whether you are going ten miles
or 10,000 miles this year.
Gift 1: Prepare your room for when you return.
Always tidy your dorm room before you leave campus. Sometimes our maintenance staff needs to
access your room during the break, and it is much easier for them to work in your space if they aren’t on
top of your stuff. This also gives you an opportunity to jot down what important things you may be
leaving behind (i.e. computer, TV, game console, etc.). If, somehow, something goes “missing” while you
are away, you will be better able to identify what and where something should be. This brings up the
last part of preparing: always lock your door when leaving campus. This is a vital habit to get into,
especially as some of you will be preparing for life off campus in the very near future. If you own the
stuff, take ownership of its security.
Gift 2: Prepare for your trip to and from home.
Be sure to have any regular maintenance done to your vehicle before you have to leave. We know that
finals week is for studying, tests and final projects, but making time for your mode of transportation is
imperative for your safety. Just in case you do have transportation troubles, make sure that you have an
emergency kit, a blanket and plenty of water. It is also best to let someone know who is not traveling
with you of your expected route and time of arrival. If nobody is expecting you, nobody will be missing
your arrival and nobody will come looking for you if you need help. Lastly, take regular pit stops to
refresh yourself or to change drivers; drowsy driving is impaired driving, which is equally as dangerous
as drunk driving.
Gift 3: Prepare yourself for the joys of the holidays.
Not everyone we meet this season will be full of the Christmas spirit, but don’t let that be a hindrance to
spreading the joy of the season. We do advise that you still be wise in how you go about it though; after
all, even the three kings didn’t return through the seedy part of Jerusalem after presenting their gifts to
Jesus. Think like them: travel in groups when possible; if something doesn’t feel right about a person or
a place, don’t go back there; and always pack a gift.
Have a great break. Enjoy your family and friends. Return to campus refreshed for another semester.
But please be safe. Merry Christmas to all, from Campus Safety and Security.