Football season might be over, but your life isn’t

After spending the greater part of five months watching tackle football almost 24/7, it can be
difficult to decide what to do with the excess time you have. As you tackle your way through the
hard, football-free months ahead, the question arises: What do we do now?

  1. Put your feet where your eyes are and join an intramural team on campus. There are
    currently two intramural teams: men’s basketball and co-ed volleyball. The great thing about
    intramurals is that you do not have to be an expert at the sport to make the team.
    According to Asbury’s website, “The mission of Asbury Intramurals is to provide the Asbury
    community with opportunities to competitively recreate in an environment of fellowship and
    high-character, cultivating a lifetime of learning, leadership, and service.”
    If you do decide to join one of these teams, the process is super easy. Go to the Asbury website
    and under “intramurals,” there is an option for “additions.” Click that, and you will be well on
    your way to becoming an intramural legend.
  2. Attend Asbury sporting events. While they may not be as exciting as professional football,
    they are a great way to engage in community life. There are a plethora of sporting events that
    take place on and off-campus, and your presence at those events can help encourage the Eagles.
    If you want to attend these events but do not know where or when they take place, check out for a list of all sports teams and their games.
  3. Join the Madness. If you’re feeling competitive, you can tune into the upcoming March
    Madness and get your brackets filled out. Who knows? Maybe you’ll win the Collegian’s bracket
    If you still cannot get your mind off of football, just remember that you only have around 200
    days left before kickoff. Consider the time in between just a really long timeout.
Sports Editor

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