photo by Emily Shank

RD Series: A fond farewell to Kim Levengood

This series is a way to get to know each of our resident directors better. However, in the case of Kim Levengood, Resident Director  (RD) of Kresge, this article is not just an introduction; it’s a sad farewell.

This spring semester will be Levengood’s final one as an RD at Asbury. She is preparing to move to Pennsylvania with her husband.

“I never saw myself doing this for five years … but this is just the good, holy work of really getting to know people,” said Levengood.

When one thinks of an influential community leader at Asbury, Levengood comes to mind. However, living in a dorm with over 175 girls was not Levengood’s initial plan for her life.

Having graduated from Asbury in 2012 with a degree in music and communications, she felt called to being an RD her freshman year after seeing her RD interacting with the girls in her dorm.

But although Levengood felt called to work in “res life,” after graduating she began working in the Asbury Admissions building before pursuing a Master’s degree in Student Affairs and Higher Education Administration from Ball State University. After her year-long graduate program, she became a Resident Director at Salisbury University in Maryland in a co-ed dorm.

She only stayed in that position for one year until she moved back to Kentucky to be with her now-husband Daniel.

“Thankfully, the Kresge RD job opened … which felt like a God moment,” she said.

Levengood has been an RD at Asbury since 2016, making her a   Visionary, of sorts. Being able to have guided several students throughout their entire four years at Asbury is something she feels very happy to have done.

“Learning and growing together is really fun, and to feel like I get to walk along these students,” she said.

She stated that getting to work with her RAs and interacting with all of the residents is one of the most rewarding parts of her job.

“I really enjoy those random one-on-one conversations,” she said.

Levengood, or “Queen Kim,” as she is often referred to, is not only known for being a great RD, but also has been the subject of one of Asbury’s most iconic power moves: The Tesla. She and her husband Daniel own the red Tesla that is parked and plugged into the outlet just outside the dorm. She stated that the car is very efficient and will save them a lot of money in the long run by not using gas.

However, despite its eco-friendliness, her favorite feature is the car’s “Car-eoke” feature.

“I was singing ‘Let it Go’ and all the songs for like an hour,” she said. “What’s funny, is that it ended because Daniel leaned over said, ‘Hey, do you mind stopping? I have a headache.”

“Queen Kim,” will be leaving a legacy bigger than a Tesla, a legacy that is characterized by her love for people.

 “At the end of the day I want us [students] to flourish in the way that God intended us … that we can truly experience the abundant love of Christ in advancing Jesus in everything we do,” she concluded.

Features Editor

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