photo by Jake Stephens

A swing and a hit for Asbury baseball

What does baseball make you think of? Maybe it makes you think about crowds of people eating sunflower seeds and hotdogs under a hot sun or singing along to Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline.”  Maybe baseball brings to mind fastballs and curveballs. Perhaps when you hear the word “baseball,” the first thought that comes into your mind is hard work, dedication and an American tradition. 

For Asbury University baseball player and senior Colton Back, when he hears the word baseball, among sunny days and country music, he thinks about the way God has used the game in his life.

“All over the place God has used this game to truly bring me closer to Him in so many ways,” Back said.

With eight consecutive wins and players being named River States Conference pitcher and player of the week, the Asbury University baseball team is starting their season strong. With such an impressive track record, the question arises: “How do they do it?” 

“The secret to winning is just playing to our ability and desiring to be on the field,” said junior and baseball player Brandon Pruitt. “It’s having the confidence to trust the training you’ve put in and know that’s enough to compete.”

Although it is still early in the team’s season, these wins have brought fresh confidence for the players. For senior players like Evan Kelly and Back, this is the first time in their four years at Asbury that they have had eight consecutive wins.

“Our win streak has given us a lot of confidence,” said Kelly. “This is our longest win streak in my four years on the team, so it has helped us change our mindset to expect to win every game no matter who we are playing.”

Senior and baseball player Blake Lambdon said of the team’s success: “We work hard every day in practice. We have confidence in one another and have faith that each and every one of us will be successful.”

Maybe now when you think of baseball, you will think of the Asbury University baseball players who work their hardest and play their best. 

Their next home game is scheduled for March 16 at 4 p.m. against the University of Cincinnati Clermont College.

Sports Editor

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