Photo by Carter Hammond

Intramural Soccer Returns

After a brief two-year hiatus, the Asbury Intramural Team has announced that they will be bringing back intramural soccer by popular demand. Two years ago, there was an intramural all-day indoor futsal tournament, but last year there was absolutely no soccer on the intramural schedule. However, this year brings changes.

“Soccer has been in very high demand since I started working last year,” said sophomore and Intramural Coordinator Madelyn Barren. “I feel like this will be one of our most popular sports.”

On Monday, Feb. 24, the Intramural Team sent out an email encouraging teams to sign up for the upcoming intramural sports season. This email highlighted the fact that the spring season would be featuring a co-ed soccer league. The return of soccer to the schedule is not only notable for the intramural program; it’s also quite exciting for the students as well.

“I think it’s really great that they’re bringing back intramural soccer because it can get really fun and competitive even if you don’t know how to play,” said freshman Lisa Nesselroade.

The intramural soccer league will feature co-ed teams, with seven players from each team on the field at one time. The Intramural Team has also specified the rule that two females must be present on the field at all times.

Additionally, each team will only be allowed to have two collegiate soccer players on their rosters. A clarification email sent by the Intramural Team clarified that this refers to anyone that is currently on the roster, has been on the roster or anyone that was on the roster but is not eligible for whatever reason. Nonetheless, that may not be an issue because the men’s and women’s soccer coaches are not allowing their players to participate in the intramural soccer season.

“I think it’s a shame,” said Barren. “I understand their fears of injury, but because of that decision, we will have less players then we could have had. I know many players that have been anticipating the intramural soccer season and were very disappointed when they were told they couldn’t play.”

Games for the intramural soccer season will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m., with the season beginning on March 9. Make sure to sign up for intramural soccer or head out to the lower fields to watch the games!

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