Staying healthy during social distancing

Social distancing can be difficult on the thighs. What else are you supposed to do besides stress-eat when you’re locked in your house? The refrigerator and pantry are too close for you to resist the temptation to snack throughout the day. Hard as it may be to say no to chips, Oreos or Kraft macaroni, it is possible. If you’re interested in taking fewer trips to the fridge, Asbury junior Rachel Lopez provides some tips on how to stay healthy while social distancing. 

Lopez, a biology major, has taken to YouTube and Instagram to share her tips for healthy living. According to Lopez, there are a few ways to stay healthy while social distancing: 

Eat right: 

  1. Don’t eat from a bag or from the container in which the snack comes in. Put it in smaller bags, snack-size, to prevent overeating. 
  2. Listen to your body when it comes to eating. Don’t overeat simply because the food is available. 
  3. Have a predetermined schedule for eating, and stick to it so as not to confuse your body or to overeat. 

Take time to exercise:

  1. Take breaks to walk and exercise. Do things that don’t require looking at a screen and get you moving. 
  2. Check out Lopez’s YouTube channel and Instagram for exercise routines you can do at home.

Don’t forget about spiritual and mental health: 

  1. Pray throughout the day for friends, family and our leaders. 
  2. Take space to be still and know He is God, space to actually be quiet in the midst in the noise and listen to His voice. 
  3. Set time limits and schedules on your work and rest time, so your body and mind can know when it can truly rest. 

For more information about different things you can do to stay healthy while social distancing, check out Lopez’s YouTube channel:

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