Student Intercultural Programs You-nited campaign

Amidst this time of division, isolation, injustice, and polarization, unity is a word that is frequently circulated. In theory, unity sounds great, but execution can be difficult because it means stepping outside of ourselves. It requires each and every one of us to put aside what we think we know and truly listen to each other’s experiences. 

Therefore, this school year Student Intercultural Programs (SIP) is dedicated to providing students with opportunities to interact with the stories and experiences of those around us. Particularly through highlighting the experiences of the ethnically minoritized.  

This is not simply a call for racial reconciliation and social injustice, but a call for you to be intentional about empathetically hearing the stories of those you call friend, peer and neighbor. 

“Empathy is not simply a matter of trying to imagine what others are going through but having the will to muster enough courage to do something about it,” said Cornel West, author, political activist and philosopher. “In a way, empathy is predicated upon hope.” 

Through you listening to those who have different perspectives, educating yourself on the various cultures or racial injustices within our society and responding even when uncomfortable, we hope to achieve unity on our campus. 

SIP hopes to be a resource for you throughout the semester, so if you have any questions about culture, racial injustices, how to be an ally, etc. we will be anonymously answering your questions in the Collegian this semester. If you would like your questions answered, please email  or DM us @asbury_asc. 

Because at the end of the day, unity starts with you.

Opinion Editor

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