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Temperature drops increase challenges for socialization during a pandemic

October is rolling in and the temperatures in recent weeks have reflected the seasonal change. Pumpkin everything is here and here to stay, at least until Nov. 1. Everything from lattes, to candles, to candies have been branded by the commercialism of fall themes, but we’re not necessarily complaining. Also, sweater weather is upon us and I know numerous people who are more than just a little bit excited. Even though many people eagerly anticipate this season, many others approach it with dread. 

According to Mayo Clinic, the cool weather and declining daylight hours can contribute to some people’s seasonal depression. While the causes of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) are largely unknown, risk factors that seem to perpetuate the problem include living far from the equator, due to the lack of sunlight during the winter months. The typical symptoms, if left unchecked, can be complicated as they manifest themselves into social withdrawal and school or work problems.

The cool weather will also impact the way we have been interacting with one another during these past few months. The easiest way to gather in groups and to mitigate the threat of transmission of the coronavirus through the air is by meeting in outdoor spaces. Dropping temperatures can add a barrier to these types of events, but this is a time when a lot of people need restorative social interaction more than ever, so finding solutions is important. Here are some examples:

1) Bonfires – This is both an outdoor event and one that adds heat to an otherwise chilling environment. Consider renting WGM’s fire pit for a night to make some s’mores with your friends. Although you’re bound to smell like smoke afterwards, the cozy fall vibes this activity provides will be well worth it!

2) U-Pick Farms – This quintessential fall activity is inherently social and outdoor friendly. Find a local farm to pick out pumpkins and show off those new fall themed fits!

3) Coffee – Fall means the return of hot beverages to our lives. A latte or a hot chocolate can help keep you warm both as you hold the beverage and as you drink it. This will help you bear the cooling temperatures outside a little while longer so you can still share that meaningful time with friends.

If these solutions don’t quite meet your needs for whatever reason, don’t be afraid to utilize some of the technology for socialization. Whether it’s FaceTime or Marco Polo or some new platform, don’t be afraid to reach out when you need a pick-me-up from your friends. We can all make it through these cooler months if we remember to be intentional with one another and still protect ourselves to the best of our ability.

Features Editor

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