Who is Just a Girl?

Men at Asbury are receiving strange letters through CPO from an anonymous girl. The letters, which come in brightly colored envelopes, are signed by the now infamous “Just a Girl.”

The first letter arrived on Oct. 1; senior Will Menser was the first recipient. More letters quickly started arriving in other mailboxes. Currently, at least fourteen different letters have been received. All of the known recipients have been juniors and seniors, along with one sophomore.

The letters read like love notes.

“If I’m being honest I had the biggest crush on you my freshman and sophomore year but I was nervous to do anything about it,” writes Just a Girl. “Your love for Jesus and your passion for everything you do is so attractive.”

Although they read like love letters written by any crushing girl, the letters have been sent to many people, which has led the recipients to believe that this is a prank being played on them.

“I think it’s certainly possible that real people are writing them, but the wild goose chase and lack of clues makes me think it could be a prank,” said Menser. “For the most part, it’s fairly innocent and harmless because most of the letters aren’t very deep. A few of them are though and if it is a prank, I don’t love that they are playing with some people’s feelings.”

The Collegian also received a letter from Just a Girl, in which she told us to tell any man who has received a letter from her to post it on the bulletin board outside of CPO. 

“We just wanted to spread a little extra love on campus, not cause chaos. If the boys want to contact us, tell them to post their letters on the bulletin board by CPO,” wrote Just a Girl in the letter to the Collegian.

Menser and senior Jackson Wilhelmi both posted their letters on the board and are awaiting further correspondence. 

Executive Editor

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