Fun stuff for break

For some students, this may have felt like the semester that would never end. Due to concerns related to COVID-19, the academic calendar was altered, and thus far, the student body hasn’t experienced the normal breaks from class that typically occur during the semester. While numerically, the difference seems marginal, many students have expressed that they experienced a heightened sense of burnout this year. The constant vigilance required to abide by safety guidelines regarding the pandemic has caused additional emotional burden on students as they continue to devote the majority of their time to their schoolwork.

It is clear now more than ever it is an important time to embrace the opportunities free time from Thanksgiving and Christmas break can offer. Here are some ideas for holiday fun you might want to pursue with your newfound time off around the corner.

1. Decorate for the holidays

While the holiday season seems to begin earlier every year, Christmas cheer might be just what you need to ease your worries and embrace the comforting things in life. Many families have numerous traditions surrounding this time of year, so stepping into that familiarity and nostalgia could be just what you need to move on from the semester and begin relaxing. 

2. Begin your Christmas shopping

While holiday decorating tends to begin early, often buying gifts gets pushed off until people have to scramble to find something for their older brother because men are oh so hard to shop for. This Christmas panic can easily be avoided if you begin the process early. Starting early means the stakes are lower and you can enjoy this time as you peruse the aisles and maybe land on a few things for yourself in the meantime.

3. Make some baked goodies

Christmas and Thanksgiving have numerous themed recipes that go along with them. In addition, doing something tangible like making a pie can help you break away from the temptation to let all your time be spent in proximity to a screen. Added bonus, you get to indulge in these tasty treats afterwards. Score!

4. Have a game night with friends or family

With the semester being as busy as it has been, it’s understandable if you’ve struggled to keep in contact with some friends or family members from back home. Now that you have the time, take advantage of it by reconnecting and being intentional with the people who have continually played a meaningful role in your life. 

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