A new beginning for 2021

Asbury University’s campus once again buzzes with activity as students adjust to another semester of campus life. For fall 2021, the university community leans on the side of normalcy to try to combat the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

This year’s Welcome Weekend ushered in the close-to-normal campus status by featuring Worship on the Green, Late Night Breakfast, the Welcome Back Bash and many other activities students are accustomed to after the university officially announced its “Return to Regular” guidelines and procedures.

“It feels really refreshing,” said Senior Andy Magrouf, noting that despite the uncertainties of the world due to the pandemic, “at least I’m here and it’s consistent, and I’m with the people that I love.”

Although the campus will incorporate most pre-coronavirus factors into the upcoming semester, students are still required to wear masks indoors due to the rising spread and current predominance of the coronavirus’s delta variant.

“As you may imagine, I am disappointed to move to a mask requirement for our campus community,” said Asbury President Dr. Kevin Brown, in an email to the campus community earlier this month. ”I want students to have the full Asbury experience in every possible way. I long for the day when we speak of the COVID-19 pandemic and its threat in the past tense—and my eager hope is for that to be sooner than later.”

Other progressive changes Asbury has made is the expansion of dining hall eating options, including a wider array of food and beverage choices at ZT’s Bistro, located above the dining hall. The dining services will also be open for longer hours, the Bistro opening at 11a.m. and closing at 11p.m. 

The Luce center will now be open as early as 6:30 to allow students to work out before morning classes. All library study rooms are open for reservation and will allow students to make their own coffee at the library HICCUP kiosk.

The campus community will implement health and safety regulations, all while resuming a vibrant student life with new and familiar faces on campus in a safe and interconnected environment. Dr. Brown later expressed his excitement for oncoming campus life:

     “Our students — their experience, education, and formation — are at the center of what we do at Asbury,” he said. “We are thrilled to welcome new and returning students and see Asbury’s campus come alive once again with community and activity.”

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