Asbury athletes prepare for season

As the rain poured into Wilmore, Kentucky, so did the Asbury University student athletes. A week before the 2021-22 school year began, athletes from Asbury’s volleyball, men’s and women’s soccer, and the cross country teams returned to campus.

Students are excited for this upcoming season. For Bethany Fye, as a senior, this will be her last year at Asbury and therefore her last volleyball season. 

However, for some athletes, this is their first time on campus. Freshman Oliver Gunthrope, a new addition to the men’s soccer team, says that he is excited about learning from “more experienced players on the team, listening to their advice, people who have played [his] position [and] seeing how they play.” He looks forward to “learning from the coaches as well” since it has been “a new transition into a new coaching style.” 

Another transition for athletes is the shift into playing in NCAA Division III. For Fye, moving to NCAA Division 3 means playing a lot of different teams. “ I’m excited for the new competition,” she said.

Though some COVID-19 related restrictions have been lifted, other restrictions are still in place. Last year for the cross country team, the cross country coach strongly advised the team to not use the weight room to ensure their safety. Contrastingly, this year they will be able to use the weight room and even have a new strength and conditioning coach. Sophomore Elise Terpstra is hopeful for changes in the upcoming season.

“I’m hoping that we will be able to get into the weight room more often with this new coach and with lifted COVID-19 rules, I’m hoping that we can just be stronger as a team, get some personal records and have a good season,” Terpstra said. 

During the preseason, sports teams can really come together in preparation and expectation. 

“It’s intimidating coming to a campus where you don’t know many people,” Gunthrope said.  However, during soccer practices, he joked that “there’s like 50 guys, and you learn their names real quick when you’re off screaming each other’s names on the field, so it’s nice to just have somebody to say hi to when you walk past them.” Preseason has been able to give him a sense of “community” as he begins his time at Asbury. 

Each team will work their way into competitions shortly with soccer beginning on the Aug. 24 for men and Aug. 26 for women, cross country competing today, and volleyball playing their first game Sept. 1.

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