Nicholasville Sheriff arrested for DUI

Jessamine County Sheriff Kevin Corman has no plans to step down after being arrested for driving under the influence.

    Around midnight on Sept. 10, Nicholasville police were contacted about an erratic driver near East Jessamine County High School. When authorities located Corman’s county-issued sheriff’s SUV, they saw it cross the center lane twice and pulled it over.

    According to the police citation, when Corman stepped out of the vehicle, he had trouble keeping his balance. Both Corman and the vehicle smelled strongly of alcohol. Corman then failed two breathalyzer tests with readings of .136 and .107, well over the legal limit of .08. Police searched the vehicle and found an open container full of bourbon.

    “If you are impaired and driving in our community, if we catch you, we’re going to arrest you,” Nicholasville Police Sgt. Kevin Grimes told LEX18. “It doesn’t matter who you are.”

Corman was arrested and charged, but has since been released and is back on active duty as of Sep. 13. Corman declined to speak publicly on the incident, with Jessamine County Lt. Sheriff Anthony Purcell speaking on his behalf.

    “He knows that what he did is something that probably shouldn’t have happened,” Purnell told LEX18. “But he’s going to face his day in court – he has that right like any other citizen.”

Corman’s court hearing will be held on a to-be-announced day in October. His specific charges are careless driving, operating a vehicle under the influence, and possession of an open alcohol container in a vehicle.    Purcell also said that Corman, as an elected official, is not going anywhere. “He’s an elected official,” Purnell told the Associated Press. “He’s elected by the citizens of Jessamine County. He’s still the sheriff.”

News Editor
  1. “He knows that what he did is something that probably shouldn’t have happened”… “probably”??? really??? Could’ve killed himself and others.

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