Study abroad programs back on track

Travel is an enriching experience and an eye-opening pursuit that expands the mind while letting one see earth’s physical beauties first hand. In May 2022, Asbury will offer two study abroad programs; the Human Dignity Tour of Central Europe (Germany and Poland) and Biogeography of the Galapagos Islands.

Leading the Human Dignity Tour is Dr. Paul Nesselroade, professor and chair of the psychology department. Three credit hours are offered which count towards the required Cross-Cultural Engagement credits. The trip will be from May 12-22, 2022. Students who started in Fall 2020 or later are required to complete CCE Orientation or CCE150 before participating in the trip. Assignments must be completed after. Preparation for the trip consists of six meeting times once every other week for 2.5 hours on Sunday evenings through the Spring semester. Meetings include discussions over reading and videos while students have the opportunity to get to know one another. Application forms can be found at and need to be completed by Tuesday, Nov. 30. Because of limited space, Dr. Nesselroade will contact those selected to participate by Friday, Dec. 17. The trip costs $1,850 per person. This includes three credit hours of academic credit, housing for 10 nights in Germany and Poland, daily breakfast and a few other shared meals, entrance fees to all Holocaust-related museums, memorials and planned excursions, all ground-fare and travel insurance. This cost does not include the ticket to and from Europe, personal expenditures and most meals. A day-by-day itinerary is provided. An informational meeting for the Human Dignity Tour was previously held before fall break at 11 am in Reasoner 321 on Oct. 12. Any additional information can be provided by Dr. Nesselroade.

The Biogeography of the Galapagos Islands trip, led by  Dr. Ben Brammell and Ashley DeMichael, will take place from May 9-22, 2022. Participation in the trip will fulfill the required science lab credit, Bio 219/Bio 223 and/or potentially a CCE credit. Participating students will have the opportunity to observe indigenous species, learn about Latin America, swim and hike through the ecosystem, snorkel with sea turtles, sea lions, penguins, sharks (optional), eagle rays, eels and many other fish species. The estimated price is $3,000 excluding airfare and meals. Two interest meetings were planned for the Galapagos. One occurred on Oct. 12 at 7:30 pm in the Kinlaw Library Board Room, but another will be held at the same time and place on Nov. 4.

Any additional questions regarding either trip can be answered via appointment with Study Abroad. All information provided in this article is derived from provided informational posters. 

In the previous edition of the Asbury Collegian, we informed the public of two Cross-Cultural Experience (CCE) opportunities, one for the Biography of the Galápagos Islands and one for the Human Dignity Tour of Poland and Germany. Regarding the Biography of the Galápagos Islands, the trip will still take place from May 9-22, 2022. The price to experience science lab or CCE credit only costs $3000, which INCLUDES airfare. Thank you to those who brought this to our attention. Here at the Collegian, we strive to tell the truth and honor information and stories being told. For more information please contact Dr. Brammell at and/or attend the next informational meeting on Thursday, Nov. 4th at 7:30 in the Kinlaw Library Board Room.

  1. We also have the London/Scotland Trip happening July 22-Aug 5 for London and Aug 5-14 for Scotland.

    We’ll be studying acting at the Globe in London and focusing on the theatre history of the city.
    In Scotland, we’ll be performing an original play at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the largest arts festival in the world, as an outreach event for the The Beating Heart Group, a Scottish pro-life group.

    All the best, Jim Shores

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