Nathan Congleton

Leslie Jones resumes Olympic commentary

Comedian Leslie Jones resumed her popular comedic coverage of the Winter Olympics on Feb. 14, following a week of silence in protest against NBC.

    “This was the result of a third-party error, and the situation has been resolved,” an NBC Sports spokesperson announced late Feb. 7. “She is free to do her social media posts as she has done in the past. She is a super fan of the Olympics, and we are super fans of her.”

On Feb. 7, Jones claimed in a Twitter post that NBC blocks her commentary videos when she posts them, and “gets folks who think they can do it like me” to do commentary instead. The latter is in reference to the Olympics highlight show NBC launched during the 2021 Summer Olympics, which starred Snoop Dogg and Kevin Hart, as Jones clarified in a response to a comment.

    “I’m starting to feel like this should be my last Olympics I live tweet,” Jones wrote on Twitter. “I’m tired of fighting the folks who don’t want me to do it.”

Jones resumed tweeting Olympics commentary on Feb. 14, beginning with praise for American figure skaters Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donahue.

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