American culture commandments

“Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.” 

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” 

“Don’t worry; there are plenty of fish in the sea!”

Most of us have heard these pithy sayings at some point in our lives. They often make us roll our eyes, especially if the speaker is disingenuous or a well-meaning parent. Besides being cliches that can get on our nerves, what do these sayings teach us about our culture and our values as Americans? 

Do they fit in our worldviews as Christians?  

I was first introduced to Stan Nussbaum’s take on the “Ten Commandments of American Culture” in my cross-cultural engagement class a few weeks ago. The sayings stuck out to me because of how radically different Jesus’s views would be from them. America’s emphasis on pursuing success, becoming trendsetters and creative thinkers, being bold, and having a solid work ethic are all good things, but not what brings us significance or value. As Christians, our purpose is to use our gifts and talents for others, practicing self-sacrificial love rather than serving our agendas.    

“You can’t argue with success.” 

​This first saying struck me pretty hard. We are influenced daily by the belief that success makes us immune to criticism.

 Nussbaum states that “success is one of the highest values in American life.” Successful people receive the desirable praise and recognition, becoming individuals we aspire to be solely based on their achievements. Yet accomplishments do not make up our identities, and they do not put us above making mistakes either. Those who experience great success have to be more responsible and maintain perspective. 

As followers of Christ, we must remember that our successes don’t exempt us from constructive criticism. We are called to be humble, willing to accept others’ input on our work, and open to growing in everything we do. Success does not determine our value as a person. Our value comes from our identity in the Lord.  ​

“Just do it.”​ 

This second laconic phrase is one of the most common sayings (and often associated with a well-known brand). Action almost always brings success and progress, fueling the American people to be as busy as possible. Nussbaum declares that “too much planning is seen as indecisive and perhaps a waste of time. [Americans] do not like rules and regulations that prevent action.” 

Our culture significantly emphasizes being bold and willing to try new things. Yet as Christians, we acknowledge the importance of slowing down to reflect on our decisions to be in tune with the Holy Spirit. 

How can we discern God’s will for our lives if we are always just doing?  

Brash actions do not guarantee success. More often than not, they result in conflict, heartbreak, and bitter disappointment. The ability to roll with the punches and act before thinking about a decision does not make us better people. Slowing down to listen to the Lord’s still small voice does. 

“You are only young once.” 

Nussbaum interpreted this third saying as trying to do “whatever you can while you have the chance” or while you’re still young and not as responsible as adults. Though we are approaching adulthood rapidly, many college students still enjoy a relatively relaxed existence (besides homework, of course). American culture loves pushing its youth to be as adventurous and carefree as possible. Thrill-seeking, risk-taking, and any form of curiosity are greatly encouraged.

Yet does making the most of our youth just mean using our energy to pursue whatever we want?  

Our faith calls us to be wise with our blessings and serve others. Freedom in excess still leaves us with a God-sized hole in our heart, and abusing our autonomy will never fill that void. Limits allow us to focus on what is truly important. Without structures created by boundaries on our freedom, we would never learn that our actions have consequences. We are called to be selfless, respectful, and responsible no matter our age because we are set apart and made in the image of God. 

“Time is money.”​ 

The last saying that stuck out to me was the one referencing time. Americans don’t enjoy having their time wasted. Nussbaum states that “Americans are very time-conscious and very money-conscious. Wasting time is seen as useless and frivolous.” We feel the effects of this heavily in our own lives, stressed out and running ourselves ragged due to overcommitments and procrastinating. Time is viewed as a priceless commodity, and our nation is obsessed with productivity, economy, and transactional relationships. 

Yet as Christians, we need to remember our time should not be spent working for our gain but instead serving others. Investing in relationships with the people around us is essential, even if it can be inconvenient timewise. Followers of Jesus should recognize the benefits of slowing down and prioritizing time with the Lord. 

Though each of these witty little proverbs address values that are valid and relevant to our American culture, we have to take them with a “grain of salt” and remember that we look at the world through a different lens. Being followers of Christ means being radically different in the face of many of our cultural norms. 

We will never be perfectly successful, daring, youthful, or efficient in the eyes of the society we live in – and that is OK. 

Our purpose far exceeds all these things. 

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