NFL introduces new regulations to hire more minority coaches

Last week, the NFL introduced new policies requiring all 32 teams to hire an offensive assistant coach who is either a female or a member of an ethnic or racial minority.

It is evident in NFL history that there has been a discrepancy in hiring, especially when it comes to head coaches. These new measures aim to make it a better playing field, so there is more representation in the head coaching staff. 

The new rule, in a sense, is creating a quota system for hiring. There is one spot among the assistant offensive coaching roster set aside for a female or minority. This is in addition to the Rooney Rule from 2003 that requires all teams to at least interview a person of color for head coaching roles or senior operations positions. 

The first black coach was Fritz Pollard, hired in 1992 as a co-coach looking back on league history. This broke many racial barriers. However, since then, there have only been 23 other coaches from minorities, and at the moment, there are only two black head coaches in the league composed of 32 teams. With eight openings, the NFL is trying to get more representation in the league.  

Additionally, while there have been a few breakthroughs for women in the past years on NFL coaching staffs, there still has never been a female head coach in the NFL.

An outspoke advocate for this is Deion Sanders, head coach of Jackson State. According to the Clarion-Ledger, Sanders has talked about the changes needed.

“He previously said that he wants the NFL to create three new expansion teams and mandate Black ownership for the teams. To reach true equality, Sanders said that you’ve got to start from the top down with the decision-makers,” said the Clarion-Ledger.

With the new changes instituted, he likes them but doesn’t love them. They seem forceful and a temporary fix.

“I truly dislike forcing someone’s hand to do what’s right, but in this situation, it is what it is,” Sanders said. “We should never desire what we’re not willing to give, and the search for equality must be displayed on and off the fields of life. I pray for consistent change daily, and soon we’re going to own teams, and we must be willing to display what we desire.”

While the NFL is trying to make some steps forward, many, like Sanders, seem to think the problem is more profound and will take longer to figure out.

Sports Editor

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