Top five ways to relieve stress during finals week

by Sadie Gayheart, Features Editor

The countdown to summer has begun. It’s the last day of classes, but finals start Monday, and you’re exhausted with all the projects, tests and presentations coming soon. However, there are several ways to relieve stress. 

#1. Go for a spontaneous adventure with some friends. Take a break from your studies, so you don’t overload your brain with information, and have some fun. We don’t have to worry about going to chapel or classes, which opens up a lot of time. Part of that time needs to be spent with our community before we go our separate ways. 

#2. While sitting and studying, turn on some fun tunes and dance it out. Moving around can help your memory when retaining content during studies. You’ll never know what outside connections you can make across material unless you get up, stretch and dance to your favorite song. 

#3. Changing your scenery is so important when studying. There are many different places on campus to work on projects or study quietly, such as the library, WGM, the Sally center or other study rooms within the dorms. Get a snack while you’re at it and drink some water. Something tells me you’ve been staring at that stubborn final paper and forgot to do the little things to take care of yourself. Walking around and taking breaks will also keep your blood moving, which will aid your overall attitude and physicality. 

#4. Set aside time to breathe and do something that you enjoy. Perhaps crochet, color, or even cook if that’s your thing. Freeing up space to do these things is a healthy way of distressing. So get to doing something you love and possibly make something for a friend to encourage them during this time. 

#5. Lastly, encourage yourself with positive thoughts to make sure you are keeping a good mindset. The Bible offers many verses of encouragement, such as Philippians 4:13, “ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Make some sticky notes to put all around you to give you words of encouragement. Place them in your room, on your laptop, or even in the bathroom as a constant reminder that you got this. Going in with a good attitude can relieve some of your stress for your benefit. 

So when you’re overwhelmed with all the things you have to do, consider these ideas. You’ll never know the impact they’ll make unless you try. 

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