Dr. A.J. Swoboda leading Fall Revival

Asbury University announced the speaker for its annual Fall Revival chapel series with the theme of “Through the Fire: The Crucibles of Christian Life”. 

Dr. A.J. Swoboda, who serves as an assistant professor of Biblical Studies and World Christianity at Bushnell University in Eugene, Oregon will be this year’s featured speaker. He is also a pastor and an author of multiple books such as Redeeming How We Talk (Moody), After Doubt (Brazos) and Subversive Sabbath (Brazos). 

“As Fall Revival lands in the fourth week of the semester, we pray that students encounter truth, experience Holy Spirit encouragement for their relationship with Christ, and that every person gains clarity on who the Lord is calling them to become this year.  During this week of revival we pray that students will take one step closer to Jesus, that some will follow Jesus for the first time, that many will surrender more of themselves to Christ, and that many will find healing and restoration in their relationship with God and in relationships in need of reconciliation.” said Greg Haseloff.

Fall Revival will be held from Sept. 12-16 at 7 p.m. in Hughes Auditorium. 

The first fall Revival took place at Asbury in 1958, This was a joint venture between the Seminary College and the Methodist Church. E. Stanley Jones was the speaker, and average attendance was the highest yet recorded.

Today the Fall Revival continues and it combines Spiritual Vitality with Community to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

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