Fall Revival with Dr. A. J. Swoboda

Questions about the birds and the bees do not phase Dr. A.J. Swoboda.

This week, Dr. A.J. Swoboda spoke at Fall Revival every chapel and additional sessions 7-8 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. During his evening sessions, Dr. Swoboda discussed being unafraid to bring big questions to God. 

Monday evening, Swoboda explained he loves it when his son asks him big questions. So when they discussed the birds and the bees, he welcomed his questions. 

“I love it when my son actually asks what’s on his heart,” Dr. Swoboda said. “When what is really going on inside comes out. One of my favorite things as a professor, as a pastor, as a teacher is helping my students actually give names, actually give verbiage to the real questions that we have about God.”

Swoboda continued, expressing that if we do not address or bring our questions to God, there will be no change in our lives. 

“When we have got big, hairy questions and we don’t bring those questions to God, the questions don’t go anywhere,” Swoboda said. “They tend to just sit there and get bigger and bigger and bigger.”

Our questions prove to believers that we have a secure God. 

“What if the Bible isn’t always the place you go to get the right answers?” Swoboda said. “What if sometimes the point of the Bible is that God wants to give you the right questions? The fact that the Bible gives voice to these challenges is evidence that we do not serve an insecure God that is terrified of you asking questions.”

Our God is not terrified of our questions and doesn’t shy away from them. Swoboda’s last session of Fall Revival is today at 10 a.m.

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