Goat Roast Preview

On Saturday Oct. 1 from 4-7 p.m., World Gospel Mission (WGM) will host its annual Goat Roast as part of Asbury’s Fall Preview and family weekend. 

Every year, WGM hosts approximately 300-500 students for their Goat Roast Festival. Students are invited to eat goat and listen to live music from Sleep Aid Band, Late After Noon music and more student artists. 

“The ultimate premise is to have goat but also spend time with others to have community, fellowship and grow together,” WGM greeter Braden Insko said. 

One of the main events at the festival is the infamous box maze.

“There is this thing popular among the youth called the box maze,” Insko said. “You get on your hands and your knees, and you’re crawling in the maze in complete darkness trying to get out of the maze itself.”

“The goat roast is really fun and you see a lot of people,” GRB (Goat Roast Buddy) Zoe Gabbard said. “I’m serving goat at 5 p.m., and it was lots of fun last year.”

Overall, the event is an opportunity to bring students who normally would not interact closer together in community. 

    “Goat roast is awesome because last year, I got to meet so many people that have brought me closer to God,” Insko said. “It’s an event that everyone should go to.”

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