Labor Day Weekend events

Labor Day is Monday, which means students have a three-day weekend to enjoy. With the campus being relatively empty, there are still things in the area to do if you are staying.

We have found five local events you can participate in to make your holiday weekend fun and rewarding.

The Asbury Outreach Coalition is hosting a clean-up trip to Eastern Kentucky. Following the flooding last month, many areas in disaster zones still need help cleaning up. The trip will only be a day long, and if you are interested they encourage you to reach out to them at for more information. 

Student Life is hosting a canoe trip tomorrow, Sept. 3, which you can be a part of even without being a part of the Adventure Leadership program.

Another way to get out in nature is to go for a hike, for which this is an excellent time of year. Kentucky boasts many beautiful trails that are a good way to get off campus and explore God’s creation. Raven’s Run Nature Sanctuary is a perfect example and has different paths you can take to explore the beautiful outdoors. If you are looking for something closer to campus, there are trails up at the equine center that run along the river and are home to several pretty waterfalls.

Hot Rod Hullabaloo is a car show on Sept. 3 with live music, vendors, and over 700 hot rods to walk around and see if you are into old cars. Go to for all the details.

Tomorrow morning Wilmore is hosting a Farmer’s Market. From 8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m., Main St. will be lined with several vendors with local produce and other items for you to check out. 

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