FCA will meet Tuesdays next semester

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is an international non-profit Christian sports ministry that equips you with the tools necessary to chase after your passions of Christ and athletics. Although FCA was founded in 1954, they are still thriving with well over 20,000 certified huddles at various schools and colleges throughout the United States, and even in numerous countries. Fellowship of Christian Athletes was started up at Asbury last school year, and it has brought several closer to Christ, while also fostering a close knit environment that allows athletes to feel empowered and heard. 

Everyone struggles with identity. Whether you tend to find your worth in school, athletics or other various activities, it’s easy to get caught up in the ways of the world. This identity crisis is especially prevalent for athletes, as our coaches and spectators are constantly judging, critiquing and relying on our performance. Not to mention the never ending practices that determine your playing time, the sense of feeling behind in both schoolwork and social activities, while also knowing that your success is dependent on a win or loss. 

Whether you struggle with identity or not, there are always several obstacles present in student-athletes’ lives. However, Fellowship of Christian Athletes is designed to be an outlet for all of this. It provides you with a time to let go of the busyness, and take a deep breath. The opportunity to fellowship with friends who share similar struggles, dedicate time to the Lord when it feels like there’s never time, and eat a good snack or two is what FCA is all about. If you relate to any of these struggles, whether you are an athlete or not, we encourage you to join us at our meetings every other week. 

In order to better serve students’ needs, FCA is launching a new meeting date for next semester. We will meet every TUESDAY, at 8:30pm. Considering most students are more tired towards the end of the week, several game-days are on Thursday’s, and there are other conflicting interests during this time, we feel changing our date to Tuesday will better fit our audience. However we will still be meeting on Thursday’s from 8:30–9:30 for the remainder of the semester. Although Fellowship of Christian Athletes is catered towards athletes, all are welcome. Though the sermons are catered more towards athletes’ struggles, everyone can gather important messages from each meeting. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to message our instagram page @aueaglesfca. We hope to see you soon!

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