How to deal with the stress of finals

The semester is coming to a close, and we are finally in the home stretch. Coming off of a restful Thanksgiving break, it is time to get down to business with finals.

Finals can be a very stressful time, but lucky for you, here are six tips to make finals a little bit easier.

  1. Get a delicious cup of coffee. Whether you prefer iced or hot, coffee is always a good pick me up during a long studying session. The HICCUP is conveniently located in the library, so you do not have to leave the library to fix your coffee.
  2. Take a break every once in a while. Studying for hours gets overwhelming, and everyone needs a break. According to a study done by Cornell University, “taking purposeful breaks (anywhere from 5–60 minutes) from studying to refresh your brain and body increases your energy, productivity, and ability to focus.” Breaks can range from taking a walk to taking a power nap. They can be whatever you need at the moment.
  3. Reward yourself. Studying can be mentally and emotionally exhausting, making it challenging to keep your stamina. According to Science Daily, studies have shown that small rewards throughout the process can help keep motivation rather than saving it all until the end. So once you master that topic you were struggling with, treat yourself to some ice cream.
  4. Find a studying environment where you can be the most productive. Studying spaces are an essential key to a successful studying session. When searching for a space, keep track of what places inspire the most productivity. Once you have found designated studying areas, your brain will register that it is time to focus and become more receptive to new information. 
  5. Put your cell phone away. This is a crucial tip because it eliminates a lot of distractions. For most people, their cell phone is a part of them, making them a considerable distraction. Putting your phone out of reach kills the temptation of checking social media or looking at a few TikToks.
  6. Relax. The words relax and studying are never two you hear in the same context. Studying is known to be a very stressful time because of all the pressure that is put on it. To help relax, take deep breaths. It sounds cliche, but it really works. Make a to-do list with things that you can check off. Seeing a list of items checked off helps with stress because you can see your progress. 

    Put these tips to use so you can have a less stressful studying journey. Good luck with all finals, and remember to keep your head high because the finish line is near.  

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