Changing lives one story at a time

The Education department story hour is back in full swing for Asbury’s elementary education students, as well as Dr. Brittany Worthen and Dr. Barbara Hamilton.

            Story hour was created to give children and families around the community of Wilmore a chance to interact with other children their age. Yet, it also gives the education department a chance to show Christ and love to these families.

            Throughout this semester, there have been nine dates tentatively set for children of all ages to enjoy story time, songs, crafts and the kids’ favorite: snacks.

        Junior, Trinity Shearer said, “It is really cool to see the kids’ different creativity when they are working on their crafts.”

            The children normally range in age from around one year to six or seven years old, which creates a huge diversity in the crafts being produced.

            Building relationships and engaging with the students during story hour “gives us a chance to experience what we can’t always learn in our courses,” said Junior, Makenzie Anders.

            Story hour provides teacher candidates with hands-on experience that isn’t taught in a normal course, yet also counts for coursework in the education department.

            Hamilton said, “Story hour allows us to serve young families in the local community and contribute to their literacy experiences.”

            Each story hour goes a little different, which is what makes everyone so unique and special and makes future educators even more willing to give back.

      Sophomore, Tanner Robards said, “ It is so fun to get to see the children be in the moment—families are together, we sing songs, dance, make crafts. It’s a great time together!”

            As future educators, students are required to get clinical hours in. Those participating in Story Hour said the time is so helpful when it comes to being a future educator. The student leaders prepare a lesson from scratch, including crafts.

            “Story Hour helps me feel like a real teacher,” said Junior, Faith Hopps. “It also allowed me to see my own growth from when I led Story Hour my sophomore year to my junior year.”

            Story Hour gives Asbury University students and staff a chance to pour back into the community and give families opportunities that they may not receive anywhere else.

            Hamilton said, “We delight in seeing the children gather around for story time! It rarely goes just as we plan, but we enjoy it all!”

            The future teachers in story hour are thrown into this chaos from the start, but the students who are dedicated to serving their students, keep returning every week.

“One thing we’ve had to learn is to just have fun and help the children to have a great time,” Worthen said.

The next story hour will be on Feb. 2, 2023, from 11 am to 12 pm in the King Curriculum Lab.

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