Student Center renovations continue, completion expected mid-semester

Construction on Asbury’s student center continues. An update on renovations to Rader Student Center was provided during chapel on Jan. 9.

    During chapel service, a video was shown which displayed the work in progress. This gave students a first look at the relocated Campus Post Office and Eagle Outlet, new student government offices, and the intercultural life area. The renovations are also set to include added square footage, expanded space for the HICCUP, more common spaces, and outdoor plaza areas, according to Asbury’s website.

“How many of you have only been in the Student Center one semester or less of your Asbury time?” Vice President of Student Life Sarah Baldwin asked chapel attendees. “A good half of you have hardly inhabited it. Hopefully some time in February, certainly by the beginning of March, we’re going to be back in that space.”

Jan. 9 was cited as the construction contractor’s original date of completion for the project, according to a Dec. 16 email from Asbury President Kevin Brown. In that same email, the project’s completion was announced to have been delayed.

“It is with great disappointment that I am writing to make you aware that earlier this week I received news from the project manager of the construction company that a host of items have not been completed on the Student Center,” Brown said in the email. “These would have to be done prior to the opening of the building.  Due to this, we cannot be issued a certificate of occupancy for the start of Spring semester.”

“There are several factors that contribute to that – workforce issues, supply chain issues, as well as needed time for the mid semester physical transition of HICCUP, Student Life staff, and others,” Brown told the Collegian. “In addition, the project requires certain inspections from state officials, inspectors for plumbing, electrical, building, and the health department all have to complete compliance inspections before the building can be opened.” He also cited supply chain delays, specifically windows, and inclement weather as factors in the delay.

Brown also announced that the HICCUP will continue to operate in Kinlaw Library until the Student Center is open.

Brown reiterated Baldwin’s statement in chapel regarding the new completion date, saying that the building is planned to reopen mid-semester, preferably before spring break.

Vice President of Business Affairs Glenn Hamilton and Assistant Vice President of Campus Facilities Joe Kelly have maintained contact with the project manager and the president of the construction company, to ensure further updates as soon as possible.

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