Worship continues on campus

The CLC Luce Auditorium has been the home of multiple different worship nights recently.

    On Monday, Jan. 30 at 8 pm the Worship Arts Department and the Music Department came and worked together to plan a worship night titled “I Will Give You Rest” an evening of contemplating worship. . 

This event featured music by Dan Pinkston and performances from the Asbury Women’s Choir. Blessed Are, O Lord, Be Adored, Come Unto Me, For God Gave Us Not A Spirit of Fear, Rich in Mercy and Mountains Melt were the songs that were composed by Dan Pinkston based on Scripture.

On Jan. 31, the CLC was once again filled with a crowd ready to worship and experience the word of God. The Courageous class hosted a worship night at 7pm that included singing, Scripture reading, prayer and reflection.

Junior Dakota Poole planned the Courageous class worship night and even though she said a lot of stresses appeared, “God provided everything we needed right on time.” She described the atmosphere of being peaceful. 

“We were not only able to create a space of beautiful worship but also bless those who didn’t come to the event with extra food and drinks,” Poole said.

Moses Leininger, Matthew Haugen and Zachary Massengale led the night with worship songs Open the Eyes of My Heart, Let Revival Come (Revive Me), In Christ Alone, How Deep the Father’s Love, How Great Is Our God, O Praise the Name (Anastasis), and Build My Life. 

“For all of its chaotic start, the worship event was a huge blessing, and I’m thankful for those involved and for how God used it to touch people,” Poole said.

Poole also read Psalm 100, which dives into the posture of worshiping the Lord with gladness, praising Him for being good as “His love endures forever.”

It connected to the message from the first Worhip Him At Midnight (WHAM) of the semester on Jan. 27. WHAM coordinator Zeke Atha spoke out of John 10: the Good Shepherd. 

Reflecting back on the message, Atha said he chose the topic because of how easy it is to believe the lies of the enemy.

“When I’m not focused on the truth of who God is and who He has called me to be, I settle for lies which destroy my faith,” he said. “The imagery in John 10 especially spoke to me over this past winter break, and I knew that Jesus wants to remind us about how good He is and how He gives us abundant life.”

He continued to say he is hopeful about the WHAMs going to occur throughout the rest of the semester in the CLC. 

“I am praying that God continues to move in our lives through WHAM,” Atha said.  “It has been a special space on campus that is intentional about seeking the Lord and worshiping Him, and we must protect it. God will continue to move; I’m just grateful to be apart of His work at Asbury.”

The next WHAM will be on Feb. 24 in the CLC.

  1. Following the 2023 Revival at Asbury has been a blessing. So thankful for you and others who are reporting on this wonderful work of the Holy Spirit! Reading about the revival has stirred up some precious memories in the heart of this 70-year-old pastor’s wife!
    My sister Vangie was a freshman at the school during the 1970 Revival and called our daddy “collect” (some may need that term explained) telling him that he needed to bring our UMYF from Sabina, Ohio to Wilmore to see and experience what was happening in Hughes Auditorium. He was the pastor and, along with some other adults, drove a bunch of us down that Friday night. It was an unforgettable experience for many of our youth. For me, a junior in high school at the time, it is still not forgotten. I wasn’t walking with Jesus, yet when I walked into that auditorium I could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit. I didn’t know what to do with the way I felt. I only knew I couldn’t leave that night. It wasn’t exactly an emotional night for me, but it was a time of drastic seed-sowing. A few years later, after endless struggles of trying to find what I was meant to do and be…Dr. Dennis Kinlaw was instrumental in leading me to a relationship with Jesus. When I said a firm “yes” to Jesus, I told him I’d go anywhere to serve Him, thinking I’d be on a mission field in some faraway country. Instead, I have served Him 50 years as the wife of a pastor, a worship leader, a retreat speaker, and a stand-up comedian (yes, you read that last one correctly). My mission field? Virginia, Georgia, and Tennessee is where God called me to serve with my husband, Joe. I believe with all my heart that God used the experience that night in Hughes Auditorium to plant something in my heart that I FINALLY let Him bring to fruition a few years later!
    A wonderful side-note…my pastor/husband was preparing for law school when a witness team from the 1970 Revival came to his home church in Virginia. His parents’ lives were markedly changed and the results of that weekend were tremendous! One of the results of that witness team’s weekend is that my husband received Christ as his Savior, answered the call into ministry and graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary three years later!

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