Asbury gets a new music professor

As the semester begins, Asbury welcomes a new music professor, a lifelong musician and someone who loves all music genres.

Professor Isaac Brooks, a recent graduate of Eastern Kentucky University joined the music department this semester. He has many roles on campus, serving as a lecturer of choral music and introductory conducting. He also directs the Asbury Chorale and Women’s Choir.

“My journey to being in my current position started during my time at EKU,” Brooks said. “Throughout my years of singing there, I was blessed to work with Dr. Cully Bell as my collaborative pianist.”

After many years of friendship with Bell, when the position opened, Brooks knew he needed to apply and “by the grace of God, I was selected.” 

Brooks attends First Presbyterian Church in Richmond, KY and remains an active member, singing in the chancel choir and directing the children’s choir. 

Brooks said he loves singing bluegrass music because, “it just always holds a special place in my heart.”

Touring as part of the EKU Bluegrass Ensemble meant a lot to Brooks as the director, Pam Perry, taught him a lot over the years. 

After all these years, Brooks’ favorite song is “Te Deum in C” by Haydn. 

“It is a super fun piece that has a lot of contrast throughout,” he said. 

Brooks is already preparing some great pieces for the students here to learn and be able to sing very soon.

“The choirs are working very hard and hopefully having lots of fun in the process of making really excellent and impactful music,” he said.

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