rebecca hedman

Get your fall fun in

Asbury students had a fun, spooky time at Asbury University’s fourth annual Kresge Kandyland, alongside the Aldersgate Chili cook off and Fall Festival.

Students packed the green for a time of fun and fellowship. Kresge Kandyland, as if it wasn’t already a maze, decided to create a maze with some fun surprises.

“Everyone says our dorm is a maze, so we decided to embrace that and create an immersive experience,” said Kresge RA Makenzie Anders.

Kresge Kandyland is for everyone. This was an event created by Resident Director, Liz Louden, to incorporate all of campus into one event together.

“In years past, the event was planned more for young children that would come for the harvest festival,” said Anders. “However, last year we received feedback from campus saying they wished that it was geared more towards Asbury students.”

So, for this years event, the RA’s and Liz put together an amazing show for people to experience the maze of Kresge.

“Each year we have a different theme put usually each hall plans a game that people can participate in,” said Anders. “Each hall designed their own section of the maze, this included a laser maze, balloon ball pit and a floor is lava section. We also had cookie decorating and portrait painting in the lobby.”

Students flooded into each hall like they owned the place. The event was definitely an adventure as students navigated the many balloons that had been put into place.

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