sam reed

House of Prayer

The famous Asbury College building, built in 1890, has become a building of much more importance. Standing in the center of Asbury’s campus, this building is one that all students cherish. 

The original Asbury College building has now become a prayer house for Asbury staff, students and community members. 

Prayer and Spiritual life leaders Mary Hostetter and Tyler Wilson were posed with the question, “How can we emphasize prayer on campus?”

They were challenged to talk to God and pray about places where Asbury’s students and staff could spend uninterrupted time with God. 

“Both of us felt inclined to start a place specifically for prayer,” SLT Member Mary Hostetter said. 

There are three places on campus, specifically where students and staff can go on campus to spend intimate time with God: Hughes Auditorium, the Chapel inside of the library, and the House of Prayer.

“We wanted a place that is only used for prayer, whether it is with groups or by yourself, and is very intentional,” Hostetter said. 

The process began upon returning for the fall semester, and these students began working for the Kingdom at full speed. 

“Upon returning, we have just seen God open doors for us in His timing,” Hostetter said. “He helped us to get the space in the first place, and we saw that God provided the old Asbury building.”

“This location was perfect. It’s in the center of campus; it’s the heartbeat of our campus,” Hostetter said. 

With this building, students can simply look out the windows and pray for specific people or even pray for specific buildings we have on campus. 

“God provided this cherished space for us, and also people to walk beside us along the way,” Hostetter said.

Professors and students passionate about prayer have partnered with Mary and Tyler to lead group prayer sessions. 

“Just getting this idea passed through administration and trusting the process has been God opening doors for us,” Hostetter said. 

Students around campus have already taken advantage of this safe and sacred place. 

“The Prayer house isn’t just walking to class. It’s been a blessing and a retreat from other things that are going on in life,” Hostetter said. 

Hostetter recounts stories she’s already heard about how this is affecting students.

“I had someone walk up to me and express how excited they were to use that space,” Hostetter said. “They wanted to be there every week and were asking how to do that.”

Asbury students are seeking out these places at Asbury to be in the Word and pray to the one who reigns, and what better than the heartbeat of campus? 

This experience of opening such a special place has “made me see God bigger than I already did,” Hostetter said. “I already knew he was sovereign over all, but just to see him piece together all of this just for his glory.”

Both students have realized “that this is not something we could have done on our own.” It’s God’s doing. 

God has used Mary and Tyler in such a way to shine his glory through them as shown through the Prayer House.

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