John Teoh

The Great Commission Congress: The love of Christ compels us

During the week of October 30, flags from many nations lined the balcony railings and stood near the stage, marking the long-standing and beloved tradition of the Great Commission Congress.

Asbury’s Great Commission Congress is a tradition that has lasted for over a century. This week-long event, filled with interactive talkback sessions after Chapel and night services of worship and teaching, is committed to encouraging students to live out the Lord’s call of making disciples of all nations. 

“When Great Commission Congress week arrives, I love how our missions organizations and student leaders from multiple campus organizations come together,” University Pastor Greg Haseloff said. “The week is such a beautiful expression of God’s heart for the world – inviting every student to a greater understanding of Jesus’ desire for people of every nation to know the Gospel.” 

This year, the Great Commission Congress, which lasted from Oct. 30 – Nov. 3rd, centered on the theme: “The Love of Christ Compels Us.” Tammy Ma spoke at Chapel Monday morning and discussed discerning the callings from Jesus and our natural desire to wish to hear Jesus loud and clear before we ever make a move – which is not always God’s Will for us. Monday’s evening service in the CLC Luce Auditorium focused on how we are to respond to the call that the Lord has placed on our lives. 

“Students hearing Tammy Ma’s journey and her time as a cross-cultural worker will find her faith being stretched and challenged,” Haseloff said. “Her testimonies of contending prayer and God answering prayers will elevate students’ faith.”

On Tuesday morning at 11:00, Tammy Ma shared another message in the CLC entitled: “Praying God-Sized Prayers,” followed by an evening service full of student testimonies about going to serve where God called them. 

Wednesday’s Chapel service covered the intersection between God’s anointing on us and our intentional intimacy with Him. After Chapel Wednesday, the annual Great Commission Congress mission fair was held in the Student Center. Ambassadors from various mission organizations were there to share about their work and the opportunities available to interested students. Following the fair and serving as further encouragement, Thursday’s evening service with Tammy Ma in the CLC was entitled: “Why should I share Jesus?”

Great Commission Congress week came to a close with a message from Asbury alumnus Gabe Ernst as he shared his experience as a missionary in Paraguay. At the end of his message, Gabe asked the students who believed they were called to mission work to stand and come forward to the altar. As hands were placed on them, Gabe led the student body in a time of prayer for those students, their callings into the missionary field and for the Lord’s favor and protection in following His call. This was a beautiful and fitting conclusion to the 2023 Great Commission Congress. 

“Tammy Ma and Gabe were invited specifically by the Great Commission Congress Council to speak for the week,” said Haseloff. “Gabe’s recent journey to serve Jesus in Paraguay is a testimony that aligned perfectly with GCC week. He so recently answered a call, and his life is a testimony of being compelled by Christ. Tammy Ma’s faithfulness to Jesus for more than twenty years in South Asia is a testimony to faithfully serving – compelled by the Love of Jesus!”

This year’s Great Commission Congress was a week full of testimonies, powerful stories of the compelling love of Christ and opportunities for students to learn more about following God’s call to make disciples of all nations.

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