Seraina Weatherford

Paris semester student highlight: Ashlyn Hamby

As Asbury’s students prepared to pack their cars again and head back to campus for the start of the spring semester, 13 of those students boarded flights home from France. One of those students, Ashlyn Hamby, shared her story and what made her semester spent in Parisian culture so unique and memorable. 

The opportunity to spend three months abroad in a new culture has both its challenges and its surreal moments, especially for those who have never traveled outside of the United States.

“Going around the streets of Paris is way different than anything I’ve ever experienced in the U.S. before,” Hamby said. “I was walking distance from the Eiffel Tower and it was just amazing to go and see all these historical monuments and things that you only see in art books.”

While the historic sights of Paris made Ashlyn’s experience unforgettable, the group of people around her made the semester just as special. 

“We were a really small group and we got really close. Having a smaller community in a setting like that was something that was so wonderful for me to have,” said Hamby. “I also made a few Parisian friends, and we would go to art museums together. Just having those connections and meeting people from the culture, experiencing life with them for a full three months, is something that I miss.” 

However, having the most beautiful scenery and the most wonderful group of friends can’t always prepare for the culture shock that comes with living in a foreign country for a semester. This was something that Ashlyn experienced firsthand:

“This was my first out-of-the U.S. experience, so I had a big culture shock. Learning how to manage in a big city like that was something entirely new to me. I really underestimated the language barrier and the difficulty of that, so it was kind of a shock going into that. I just didn’t really understand how big Paris was until I was there.” 

With these challenges and the shock of doing life in another culture comes unparalleled growth. For Ashlyn, her faith in God was something that grew in her the most during her time in France. 

“I have had to rely on the Lord so much more than I have back here in a comfortable place. I have cried out to Him for comfort and to help me get through tough situations and give me perseverance. He was with me every step of the way. I have never felt closer to God,” said Hamby. 

The Paris semester has touched the lives of many students. It is a cultural immersion that is truly unique and unlike the other travel courses that Asbury offers.

“It’s an experience that you can’t get anywhere else,” Hamby said. “Going abroad for a full semester is something that can’t compare to a short trip. I loved experiencing history and culture on a day-to-day basis through our education. There is something so special about the Paris semester that I feel like people need to experience, and it is something that really should continue. I’m a better person, a better student, and I’m more confident in going and embracing cultural experiences because of my three months there.” 

While the future continuation of the Paris semester is yet to be determined, Ashlyn strongly believes that it has every reason to be an offered opportunity for years to come.

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