Asbury hosting a Space Cowboy Silent Disco

Last semester introduced a new event that tallied as one of the most popular events on Asbury’s Campus. Silent Disco, an activity presented by Asbury’s Student Activity Cabinet (SAC), introduces a unique twist on the art of dancing and listening to classic tunes. 

“How a silent disco event operates is that every person will get a set of headphones,” explained Melanie Richard, leader coordinator and director of Silent Disco. “There are three different stations that people can jump through, which transmit different music on each new channel. The thing that makes it a ‘silent disco’ is that when people take off the headphones, they can’t hear the music, because it is only transmitted through the headphones. What makes it fun is that you can jump through your three favorite stations, and you are constantly fueled by awesome music.” 

This semester, the theme of SAC’s silent disco is “Space Cowboy.” Many different components fall into creating this theme, including music, food, and decorations. 

“Genres of music for this theme will be taken from a Spotify playlist that the SAC team is creating,” said Richard. “There will be a ‘Let’s Dance’ playlist with typical dance songs. There will also be a ‘Newbies’ playlist and then an ‘Oldies’ playlist. Of course, hence the cowboy theme, there will also be randomly inserted country tunes to enjoy. Cowboy space-themed refreshments will also be available!”

Asbury’s SAC team focuses primarily on ways to offer students a way to connect with one another. This upcoming Space Cowboy Silent Disco dance party is no exception. 

“What we want most is to provide students a place and time to just unwind and take a break from studying or the daily normal and come hang out with their friends,” said Richard. “Silent Disco is really unique, and I think that is something the SAC team really wants to offer. Fun events that are unique and different, but also draw in all parts of campus community that allow people a place to get to meet each other. I encourage all to come and unwind from the busyness of this semester.” 

This upcoming Silent Disco will take place in Asbury’s CLC Shaw building on Saturday Feb. 24 between 7 and 11 pm. All are welcome.

Featured image by John Teoh.

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