The Junior/Senior Formal: a trip to the moon

Spring has sprung in Wilmore, which means it is time for Asbury’s big end-of-the-year events. Freshman formal was held on March 23, the Sophomore Musical was showcased on April 4, 5 and 6, and the much anticipated Junior/Senior formal took place on the night of Saturday, April 6.

Before the night of Junior/Senior arrived, Ignited Class President Elizabeth Bramer and the Ignited Class Cabinet spent much time planning and preparing for the formal, which was given the theme: “A Trip to the Moon.”

Held at Limestone Hall in downtown Lexington, the third-floor formal was beautifully decorated with lights, disco balls and candles. There were two main rooms, one with food and desserts and one for the DJ and dancing, adjoined by an open space with a glass floor and beverages. 

The night was spent dancing and screaming the lyrics to classic party songs that have become favorites of many Asbury students. If you stood still long enough, you could actually feel the floor moving underneath your feet from friends jumping with joy. 

“Being my first experience at the Junior/Senior dance, I really enjoyed the time I had,” said Junior Olivia Angert. “The venue was perfect for this occasion and I loved how beautiful the space looked. It was such a great experience being surrounded by my peers, being able to enjoy these last few weeks of the semester with a fun event!”

“It was special to me to be a part of the team that planned the event, set up for it and then see everyone have such a good time enjoying the night,” said Ignited Class Cabinet member Sarah Yost. “Shout out to Elizabeth Bramer and Kayden Purvis especially for doing all the planning, and the whole Ignited cabinet for bringing it all together.” 

For Juniors, the formal was an opportunity for them to honor, celebrate and spend a fun-filled night with the graduating class. For those Seniors, the formal was a time to let go of the senior year stress for a few hours and fully enjoy their last college dance. 

The night ended beautifully, with the DJ playing the song “Praise” by Elevation Worship. This was a time for just the Courageous Class to dance, sing, and praise the Lord for the culmination of their sweet college memories. This “Trip to the Moon” will forever be a night to remember.

Featured image by Sam Reed.

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