Director of Athletic Communications and Events Colton Back courtesy of AU Athletics

Asbury athletics 2024 fall preview

As we move deeper into the new semester, more and more is happening in campus life. A great way to experience community and have fun at Asbury is through the athletics department. Showing up to cheer on your peers in various sports is a unifying experience that brings the student body together.

The Director of Athletic Communications and Events here at Asbury, Colton Back, had some thoughts on the new semester, saying, “My hope is that our home games are something that connects campus. People can come, enjoy, have fun, but also maybe meet a new friend, or feel like you belong a little more as we’re all cheering on AU, but also that there would be some memorable moments too. That when they think back on their time at AU, they think, ‘Man, I enjoyed going to the home games. I enjoyed when we did theme nights,’ or whatever it is. That our home events would be special, connect us and also that our athletes would reflect campus and our university through the way they compete, doing the best they can and honoring the Lord through their sport, on campus, also when they travel away to play games. Wherever they’re at, that they would represent AU on their chest, and more than that, represent the Lord.”

“We’ve had some tempo, Andy, with things happening,” Back said regarding what’s new in the athletics department. “Officially, as of Sept. 1, last week, we are a fully active member of the NCAA, division three. So the past three years, we’ve been a member, but we haven’t been fully active. So we’re fully a member, which means we can compete for the NCAA championship this year and compete in post-season if we earn that… We really want to thank the people who have paid it forward: student athletes the past three years who haven’t competed for the NCAA title, but they had to do the things they did for us to get here. So we’re thankful for them. Also, we’re a member of the collegiate conference of the south. That’s our conference now. CCS is what you’ll see. Full member competing for a conference championship.”

A fun aspect of Asbury athletic home events are the theme nights. As far as some he’s excited for, Back said, “Sept. 24, men’s soccer is hosting Transylvania, battle of highway 68, they’re close. It’s construction worker night. Johnson Hall is leading it, but everyone’s welcome to come in construction worker gear. Wear a vest or a helmet, whatever you’ve got. We actually have a new sponsor of athletics called APM Paving, and they are a paving construction company, so they’re sponsoring that night… We’ve also got a pajama night coming up… We want to get Isaiah the Eagle out as much as we can. We’ve got some home basketball games opening up in November where we’ll do some fun things… We’ve got some themes we’re excited about.”

“Overall what I’m thankful for is the Screaming Eagles Club. Virginia Drago’s the president. She’s doing a great job. Again, our hope is that the events are fun and they’re memorable. So if there are things that draw people in, she’s live on social. You can follow them @screamingeagles… It’s been fun to work with chapel, too. Rachel VanLaningham, my connection with chapel, really helped get us graphics up in chapel to tell our students about the games and about themes.”

When asked about what’s on the horizon for the athletics department, Back said, “One, primarily, is facility. The track-and-field venue out here, phase one is done. Phase two’s under construction… The hope for that is for it to be done by May. And then that’s it. It’ll be fully done. An outdoor venue – yes, for soccer games, yes, for track-and-field events – but also we hope that it’s used for commencement, and other campus events… Above the seating area, we’ll have a sky box suite where there’s a large meeting room and eating area. Also, underneath will be restrooms and locker rooms. Facility-wise, we’re really looking forward to that.”

“Maximize your time at Asbury,” Back said when asked what he wanted to tell the student body. “You’ll get out of it what you decide to put in… Asbury can offer some cool things, whether it’s friendships, or professors wanting to help you out or maybe coming to some athletics home events… I hope that athletics, whether it’s coming to a home game or whatever it is, can be a part of that in some way, shape or form.”

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