It is once again time for Asbury University’s annual Set Apart Week. In the past, Set Apart Week has featured speakers such as Dr. Carolyn Moore and Dr. Chris Bounds. This year’s Set Apart Week speaker is Rev. Dr. Amanda Drury. Dr. Drury is a professor of Practical Theology at Indiana Wesleyan University.
During the week, students have the opportunity to hear from Dr. Drury both during chapel and during evening services throughout the week. Dr. Drury holds degrees from Indiana Wesleyan University and Princeton Theological Seminary and specializes in practical theology, tradition and innovation, leadership, spiritual formation, youth ministry and homiletics.
In addition to speaking at the Asbury University 10 a.m. chapel services on Jan. 27, 29 and 31, Dr. Drury will be speaking at the Set Apart Week evening services Jan. 27-30 at 7 p.m. in Hughes Auditorium.
Set Apart Week provides many unique opportunities for Asbury students to connect to a wide variety of topics surrounding the set apart life. “For me,” commented senior Charlie Knox, “Set Apart Week offers a chance to gather with those who truly want to hear more about God rather than those who are there because they have to, and to hear a wider variety of conversations around big ‘God’ topics.”
While the Asbury student body has many opportunities to foster spiritual connection, Set Apart Week provides a very unique space for community and connection. “For our student body, it often leads to a more intimate gathering space, and a sort of communal emotional arc over the week as all the messages are tied together,” said Knox.
“I would encourage students to attend if they enjoy chapel but hunger for a deeper version, if they desire to hear speakers outside our main rotation, or if they simply want ‘or feel called’ to fit an extra dose of worship into their schedule, whether it’s one night or all of them,” concluded Knox.
Photo courtesy of Asbury Strat Comm.