It is once again time for Asbury University’s Short Play Festival. The Short Play Festival provides Asbury students with a unique creative outlet to write, direct and perform short plays. This year’s Short Play Festival features 38 actors in addition to directors and writers. The Short Play Festival will take place Feb 14-15. There are two performances at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday night, as well as a matinee performance at 2 p.m. on Saturday.
Below is a list and synopsis of the short plays that will be featured in the performance as provided by the Asbury theatre department.
“Lifetime Membership,” by Sabina Boyer (directed by Cole Sherry)
A man is informed that his membership to the human race is expiring due to lack of use. The play follows him on an ironic romp as he tries to get an extension on his membership and discovers what it means to be human. COMEDY, Cast of five.
“Confessional,” by Sabina Boyer (directed by Bek Askey)
After everyone else has left the church, a priest is held hostage in the confessional by an escaped criminal. Over the course of their conversation, they come to a crossroads between life and death. DRAMA, Cast of five.
“The Impossible House,” by Cole Sherry (directed by Kirstin Ellis)
A young realtor is tasked to sell a haunted house, but the ghost won’t make his job easy. COMEDY, Cast of seven.
“Nasty Little Hairballs,” by Sabina Boyer, Ian Rhodes, Naomi Schanding and Jeremiah Wells (directed by Cole Sherry)
A woman’s first day at a hair salon goes terribly wrong when she messes up her first haircut. Meanwhile, the customer in question is more than distracted by a strange set of marital issues. COMEDY, Cast of four.
“HIDE-AND-SNEAK,” by Joelle Yoder (directed by Audrey Harris)
Eight-year-old Alexander was having a normal day playing in the park but accidentally ends up in an underground hideout for hardcore hide-and-seek players. Will he be able to escape or is his fate as his fellow hiders? COMEDY, Cast of four.
“Goodnight, Aiden,” by Jeremy Simmons (directed by Bek Askey)
GOODNIGHT, AIDEN follows a college student grappling with loneliness and existential questions as he faces a cast of virtual personas who personify his insecurities, ambitions and desires. In a dream-like conversation, they challenge and comfort him, blurring the lines between reality and self-reflection as Aiden wrestles with identity, love and the meaning of life. DRAMA, Cast of six.
“The View,” written & directed by Faith Alford
Jack Anthem must confront problems from his past as he quickly realizes things are not as they seem to be. Jack’s confusion shifts to understanding through this brief yet heavy show of one man’s life. DRAMA, Cast of four.
“The Truth We Stand On,” by Bek Askey (directed by Hope Eland)
After his conversion to Christianity, Saul/Paul pops by his old stomping grounds at the synagogue to ask some questions. While there he runs into his nephew and an old associate. DRAMA, Cast of three.
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