“Skeleton Army” marches onto Asbury’s campus

In collaboration with the Salvation Army, Asbury University will be hosting a three-day performance of the traveling two-person musical “Skeleton Army” from Jan. 30 to Feb. 1 in the Black Box Theatre on campus.

Written by Asbury alum John Copeland, the two-act production tells the true story of Charles Jeffries, a man from Victorian England who fought against the infant Salvation Army along with a group of others then known as the Skeleton Army. Spanning his life, the musical traces his own journey as he interacts with those who refuse to stop loving him, no matter how hard he fights back against them.

“It’s really a story of love and redemption,” said Director of The Salvation Army Student Center Major Paul Cain. “It shows how God loves even the villains, and [that] redemption is possible.”

Performing both off-Broadway and internationally starting in 2018, “Skeleton Army” has retained the same cast since its debut, consisting entirely of husband and wife duo Katheryn and Kyle Higgins.

“It’s a two-person musical,” said Major Cain. “[Kyle] plays the same character through the whole show, and [Katheryn] plays a barmaid, a captain in the Salvation Army and then later his wife.”

While the show centers around the husband-wife duo, they are not the only people involved in bringing the story to life. Each night, the audience will also have a chance to join in the experience, playing a pivotal role in at least one major scene.

“[We’re] encouraging students to sit in the front row,” added Major Cain, “because [then] they’ll be in the show as bar patrons.”
“Skeleton Army’s” Friday evening performance at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 31 also offers Asbury students an exciting talkback with the creative minds behind the show. Featuring writer John Copeland and director Brad Cain, this special time after the production will grant students a special look behind the scenes in addition to a pre-approved FLEX credit.

Article written by Sabina Boyer.

Photo courtesy of SA Connects.

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