This professor’s highlight is just a little different. Try to guess this professor with the 10 fun facts and picture provided.
- He was born on the last day of the 1960s.
- In fourth grade, he wrote an essay entitled “The Case Against Santa Claus,” in which he articulated his growing doubts that Santa Claus didn’t exist. (One classmate responded: “But he’s magic!”).
- His favorite class in high school was marching band (he played mellophone).
- His first kiss was in a graveyard.
- He once shook hands with Vice President Al Gore.
- He began coaching high school debate before ever having seen a debate.
- He once rescued a one-eyed dog from the street in front of a brothel.
- His two motorcycles were stolen three times.
- His favorite work of fiction is Lord of the Rings and his favorite television series is Babylon 5.
- He is an oblate in a Methodist-Benedictine monastic community.
If you guessed political science professor Dr. Glenn Harden you would be correct.