Is anyone better than Ronda Rousey?

By Matthew Pertz, Sports Writer

She holds a 12-0 record with three knockouts. She’s the focus of nearly every MMA-related headline from any media outlet. She even earned more per second in her past two fights than Floyd Mayweather did in his blockbuster against Manny Pacquiao.

Her name is Ronda Rousey, and she is the most dominant athlete in sports.

There is little debate over Rousey’s ability as a fighter. Her last three fights have lasted a combined total of one minute and four seconds, meaning one could have stepped into the kitchen to cook Minute Rice and missed three straight bouts.

The real arguments is whether or not she is the most dominant athlete in the world, and if she’s not number one, who is?

LeBron James, Cleveland Cavaliers

Far and away the best basketball player in the world, but he spends too many games coasting. If he went full speed every game, he’d be a legitimate competitor to Rousey.

Rob Gronkowski, New England Patriots

The only football player that is truly truly dominant over the other players at his position, but few can justify him as the best overall football player.

Leo Messi, FC Barcelona

In 2015, he’s scored six goals in three games of at least ninety minutes each. In the same span, Rousey’s won two fights in less than 40 seconds each. Next.

UConn Women’s, Basketball

They’ve gone 113-5 over the past three seasons, each of which ended in a national championship. While I am tempted to give them this arbitrary victory, I can’t give the title of most dominant athlete to a team. Rousey wins this round on a technicality.

Mike Trout, Los Angeles Angels

I had to Google baseball’s best player just to add this bullet point.

Stephen Curry, NBA 2k16

The video game’s cover athlete boasts a killer 95/100 rating in three-point shoting, but is disqualified for being virtual and technically nonexistent.

Michael Jordan, Space Jam

He possesses arms that stretch well over fifty feet and the unbeatable power of teamwork and unity. However, Space Jam, timeless though it is, was released in 1996, meaning that MJ is disqualified from being today’s most dominant athlete as well.

Obviously, it’s hard to find any athlete who can even come close to Rousey’s level of excellence. Her next fight is on Nov. 14 against Holly Holm can only serve to further her standing as the most dominant athlete on the planet.

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