BSA celebrates 10-year anniversary

Asbury’s Black Student Alliance has reached its 10th year as a campus organization
and is celebrating the occasion on Saturday, Feb. 29.
“It’s supposed to be set up in a more formal setting, like not just hanging out in the Stuce,” said
freshman Charity Johnson. “We’re supposed to order food, and we’re going to celebrate the years
we’ve been here.”
On campus, BSA hosts events to celebrate African cultures and history, as well as panels and
discussions. The group seeks to provide an outlet of community at Asbury.
“I love the genuineness, security, and family that BSA offers,” said sophomore Kyle Pernell.
“However, I wish that more African American students would join BSA in an effort to model the
community Asbury hopes for.”
For Johnson, the best part of BSA is being able to “showcase our culture and share it
with the rest of Asbury.”
“I enjoyed the Black Expo and the panel,” Johnson said. “It allows you to see who else
on campus looks like you and that you’re not alone.”
The BSA 10-year anniversary event is open to everyone. Looking forward to the next 10
years, those involved in BSA hope to see more students join the organization.
“I hope that we will be able to do more things outside of Black History Month,” said Johnson. “I
hope there will be an increase in racial reconciliation over time with BSA and I hope that the
people will be able to talk with us and not be afraid. I hope those who may have opposite views
will be able to speak with us, and we can have a conversation with Jesus in the center of it and be
able to overcome the differences.”

Features Editor

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